Partnering with Moth Design on the technical strategy, redesign and build of MassArt’s new website was a delight. We’re thrilled to announce its launch!
After over a year of collaboration with Corey Machanic and the Champlain College team, we’re excited to announce the launch of the new Champlain College website!
We partnered with Moth Design to craft a new WordPress site for Goody Clancy, an architecture firm in Boston. Excited to see this collaboration come to life.
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new WordPress site for Sunbug Solar. Such a pleasure creating a platform that reflects their commitment to sustainable energy solutions.
After a year of design and development—woven in between a lot of client work—Corey Machanic and I launch our new websites. Each website is based on one custom WordPress theme and a shared code base.
Engaged by The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy to strategize and rebuild their Drupal 7 site on a modern, scalable web platform.
Partnering with Corey Machanic on the redesign and redevelopment of Champlain College’s website. Launching in the Fall of 2023.
Jake presents at Brown University’s Born Digital Scholarly Publishing conference on WordPress for Academic Authors.
Partnered with Studio Rainwater on the development of a WordPress site for Union Studio Architecture.
Partnered with Corey Machanic on the development of Vermont Land Trust’s website redesign.
Partnered with Moth Design on the development of a WordPress site for Woodwell Climate Research Center’s initiative, Permafrost Pathways.
Partnered with Corey Machanic on the development of VEIC’s 2020 Impact Report.
Partnered with Farm Fresh RI to strategize, design and develop their new Market Mobile platform. We continue to partner with Farm Fresh to build new features and improve the platform.
Partnered with Moth Design on the development of their new website.
Partnered with Corey Machanic on the development of a single-page website for Keurig’s new single-cup brewer.
Partnered with Moth Design on the development of a WordPress site for Woodwell Climate Research Center.
Celebrated 10 years of fantastic collaborations, relationships built, lessons learned, and countless digital projects shipped.